Jan 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Summary: Here is my personal list of New Year's resolutions for this year, using the method I outlined for you earlier this week. Where is YOURS?

HAPPY NEW YEAR! *blaring noisemaker* Isn't it great to ring in 2010 and count all the things you're grateful to have in your life? No matter who—or where—you are, you can do this and smile.

One thing that often wipes that smile right off of someone's face is facing the dreaded tradition of the New Year's resolution. It's often dreaded, however, only because most of the people who make resolutions don't keep them. One stat says that merely 12% of those who make resolutions attain the goals they've laid out for themselves in those resolutions. That's not a lot of resolve!

The same source purports that this small number rises at least 10% when resolutions are made public. So, let's get to it! I'll start (and you follow).

1. To work with web developer Stephen Parker & complete packaging of my online e-course "Speak YOUR Truth" by the end of January
2. To conduct market research per the direction of marketing expert Ed Erickson, beginning with the creation of a list of organizations in my niche that hire speakers to be drafted by February, with next steps plotted thereafter
3. To practice better sleep hygiene by continuing use of relaxation CD at night, discontinuing TV & snacks after 9 p.m., & setting my alarm for 30 mins. earlier than usual beginning this week!

The key to really attaining your goals (and mine) is to keep the momentum going by setting new mile-markers along the way after each small one is met. Reassessing deadlines to make them more realistic is also helpful when necessary—just as is pushing yourself to meet the original deadline and accepting the need to extend it as recognized. Remember that, like with anything, balance is key.

Good luck! And may you have a fortunate 2010.

© KiKi Productions, Inc. 2010

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